August 24, 2014

I Hate the Term "Sober and Competent"

You respond to a call at the request of the police department to check out a “sick case.”  You arrive to find an 18-year old male without complaints.  The police tell you that they need you to check him out – he is acting weird.  During your exam, you find the patient to be calm and cooperative.  He knows what day of the week it is, what city he is in, and tells you his name.  There are no signs of alcohol consumption.  He stopped taking his medication a few days ago, but he can’t remember what it is that he was supposed to be taking.  Medication names are hard to remember sometimes.  He stopped the medication by choice, not due to running out or anything.  He prefers how he feels when he isn’t on it.  He explains to you that there is no problem and seems to be a nice guy, but his eyes are not meeting yours.  When you ask him what he is looking at, he explains that his cat is asking him to stay home.  You do not see a cat.
Oh, there he is, the evil bastard...
By Mrmiscellanious, via Wikimedia Commons (Public Domain)

You, being a smart medic, know that this patient should probably go to the hospital.  When you suggest that course of action to the patient, he declines.  You work to try to convince him to go to the hospital, but he won’t agree to voluntary transport. 

What do you do?  He is oriented to person, place, and time.  He is sober.  Is he allowed to refuse? 

This is an example of why I hate the term “soberandcompetent.”  That’s how I am going to spell it from now on, because that is how it is said.  Soberandcompetent.  I hate the term because “sober” has grey areas.  “Competent” is a legal term that is decided in court, and also has grey areas.  Awake, alert, and oriented times three (or four) is unhelpful.  Decision making capacity is what we are trying to assess – is the patient capable of making his or her own decisions? 

Let me walk through each of those sentences and see if I can convince you too.

Sober is a term that is loaded with grey areas.  Listen, most of us have been in various stages of alcohol intoxication.  I’ve found myself completely sober, buzzed, too drunk to drive, falling down drunk, and woke up in dried vomit and not known where I was drunk.  Which level do we care about?  Can buzzed people refuse?  Drunk people?  Certainly not falling down drunk, right? 
Can someone "hold my hair drunk" refuse?
By Landii [CC-BY-SA-2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

The problem that I have is that there are grey areas in assessing people for clinical signs of intoxication.  Speech clarity is subjective, except at the completely clear and completely unintelligible ends of the scale.  The same goes for gait – is a little stumble a sign of ataxia or a sign that the patient didn’t see the uneven sidewalk?  Supposedly objective findings like blood alcohol levels don’t necessarily have anything to do with how well a person walks and talks (or drives).  Most signs don’t work well in assessing drug intoxication.  I mean, many people can suck down a whole joint and not slur their speech.  So the term “sober” is pretty subjective.  What we actually care about is whether a patient has the capacity to make decisions for themselves.

Here’s what Dr Steven Pantilat says about competence: “Physicians [along with paramedics and other clinicians] commonly confuse competence and decision-making capacity. Competence and incompetence are legal designations determined by courts and judges. Decision-making capacity is clinically determined by assessment.”1  Incompetence is a legal determination made in a court of law.  Quit using the term competence, please.  We don’t care about competence; we care about whether a patient has the capacity to make decisions for themselves.

Orientation (AAOx3) is only the beginning of determining decision-making capacity.  You’re right that a person who can’t tell you who, where, and when they are is probably not capable of decisions.  But, once again, grey areas.  What if a person knows that it is August and that their 10th wedding anniversary was last week, but they don’t know what day of the week it is?  We don’t care about orientation to three questions; we care about whether a patient has the capacity to make decisions for themselves.

How does one assess decision-making capacity?  Capacity entails:
  • The ability to make and communicate a medical choice
    • They don’t have to be able to speak, but a patient has to be able to communicate a choice regarding their care.  Uncooperative silence is not communication regarding a choice.
  • The ability to appreciate diagnosis, prognosis, suggested care, alternatives, and risks/benefits of all the choices
    • Can they repeat back to you, in their own words, what you said is going on?  Did they "get" what you told them?  They don’t need to be able to teach a med school class on the subject, but can they understand their options in layman’s terms?
  • The ability to make decisions without delusions or coercion
    • No hallucinating.  No abusive husbands standing behind you smacking their palm with a fist…
  • The ability to use logical reasoning2
    • Can they link two ideas together in a simple way? For example: Heart attacks are dangerous, and if I am having a heart attack that would be bad.  Is their plan a vaguely logical one, even if not something you would do?

In short, people need to be able to take medical information that you give them, synthesize it into information that is meaningful to them, and make a decision based on that.  Simply, does the patient understand and appreciate what is going on and communicate their choice?

Soberandcompetent is not what you should be looking for.  Decision making capacity is the threshold you should cross before a patient can refuse, or be involved in deciding about other aspects of their care.  

In Part 2, I will explain some of the ways you can form an opinion as to whether the patient has decision making capacity.  Stay tuned…

1. Jones RC, Holden T. A guide to assessing decision-making capacity. Cleveland Clin J Med 2004;71(12):971-975.

2. Pantilat S. Ethics Fast Fact: Decision-making Capacity. UCSF School of Medicine Fast Facts. 2008. Assessed August 22, 2014.

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