December 27, 2014

2014: Year In Review

I had a great time writing blog posts this year.  In 2014, there were 52 posts put up on the blog (not counting this one).  Maybe there are some that you missed, or need to find again. 

The most popular posts:
1. Chuck Yeager Voice - this one almost doubled the page views of second place...
2. MRSA is not a river in Africa
3. Giving NTG to an Inferior MI.  People still think I’m a maniac for my point of view on this one… (The first part of that topic is a scenario.)

Speaking of stuff I hate besides adenosine, there are also articles about Peroxide, Rats, and the term “Sober and Competent” (plus Part II).

I shared a few stories about my egregious mistakes and bad habits, hopefully to stop you from doing the same dumb things.  They include vicious, wild Three-Legged Labs, the story of the guy who was Shot in the Calf, why I stopped Wearing Uniforms Home, and why I need to stop Prejudging Calls.  There are also stories of Medics Getting Hurt, evil medication Ampules, and another story of another guy who was Shot in the Groin without getting a hole in his pants.

I try to orient my posts to prehospital knowledge: skills and information that a medic needs but that a doctor or nurse wouldn’t need (as much).  Even so, there are topics that I think prehospital personnel don’t have a firm grasp of.  So I’ve written posts about why Pancreatitis should be treated better, the different kinds of Aphasias, Leadership Traits, how ECG Filters work, my opinion of How a 12-Lead Should Be Laid Out, a discussion of Rare Syncope Causes, why I think the phrase ‘Children Aren't Little Adults’ is trite and meaningless, and my thoughts on when patients are Fakers/Malingerers.  There are posts about what I think are the prehospital world’s Good Journals and Blogs, basic Ethics, Three Reasons for Noncompliance among your subordinates, and the importance of being in a career that requires Expertise.

But I really like to focus on prehospital skills.  So I talked about Establishing Good Habits, Making Decisions in Advance, with Part II, and a post about communication that could have been called Don't Tell Me Your Problems; Tell Me What You Want.  I talked about how history taking is kind of like a Tree of Knowledge, the Power of WTF, my feeling on Family Riders (TL;DR is NO), my thoughts on Field Training, and even whether it makes sense to make Left and Right Turns.  I posted about how to give Big Room Reports, Telling Family Grandpa is Dead, and the prevalence of Acting in EMS (at least on my ambulance).  Other posts include What Equipment to Bring into a call, how to handle Advance Directives (we do really bad at this), different stages of Agitation, and the first Five Actions on an MCI.  Going on, we discussed Bulletproof Vests (I’m not a fan), the reasons for Single Car Crashes, why I hate approaching Slumper Cars, and how to write Narratives.  Finally, I also gave my untested idea about Distracting Injuries, ranted about Giving Your Expert Opinion, and the fact that I can’t do anything about Bumsicles.

By the way, in the interest of balance, the least read posts of 2014 were:
     51. Expertise
They aren’t bad, especially the expert opinion and advance directive posts.  You should take a minute and read them…

Have a good one, and a better 2015.  Happy New Year.
Try to keep your NYE party under control...
(By Bird33ou [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons)

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